We in SAIP, believe that France, a country that committed many genocides in its occupied colonies, a country which has over one hundred years of meddling in the Azerbaijani region, backing Armenian terrorism in Eastern Turkey, South Azerbaijan and the Azerbaijani Republic, should be stripped of all rights from so-called mediation role as a co-chair in Minsk Group.
We strongly condemn French Senate’s biased approach, violating Azerbaijan’s sovereignty, even though the so-called provocative resolution has no legal force, but exposes the traditional Genocidal colonial attitude of France.
It is noteworthy to mention that the French Senate is behaving as more catholic than the pope himself, where the aggressor side occupying Armenia does not recognize Karabakh’s pseudo-government. While the French Senate is so deafeningly silent on the right of self-determination for over 35 million South Azerbaijani Turks, hundreds of thousands of Corsicans, and millions in 24 exclaves occupied by France for hundreds of years, issuing a shameful resolution on Karabakh, is a clear sign of continuity in French genocidal colonial politics.
Once more we condemn French Senate and urge the Azerbaijani government to appeal to OSCE to revoke France’s status as a co-chair in the Minsk Group.
South Azerbaijani Independence Party.