Platform for “transition from the occupying regime of Islamic republic”
The fundamental cornerstones of this platform certainly are democracy, equality, liberty and the rights of self-determination based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and related international conventions for every citizen or nations from all cultures, languages and historical backgrounds.
The platform is created on the basis of the UN’s Charter and other UN’s various committees resolutions that protect human rights, citizen rights, the right of self-determination of oppressed nations and colonialized peoples.
This principle (the right of self-determination) was advocated by the US President Mr. Wilson after the First World War. Later, it became the most important basis of the United Nations’ conceptual and visionary policies to protect/safeguard legitimate individual rights, liberty and to provide for equality for all nations and individuals. And by referring to these principles and conventions, many international disputes /conflicts between the oppressed nations and the colonial powers were resolved.
Historically, we can refer to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples of 1952, 1960, 1962 and the UN’s General Assembly resolutions of 1970, 1972, 1973 along with the Articles 1,2 of the UN Human Rights Commission’s 11th session of 1984 which all aim to end colonization and oppression of nations; and to provide for equality to all peoples
These principles are based on respect to human dignity, the freedom to choose and to be chosen, and to reject all kind of violence, discrimination and apartheid. They ultimately can lead to democracy, equality and a better life.
- The territory called Iran now, in reality is created on the expanse of the non-Persian lands in the last one hundred years. This entity is held together so far by policies of occupation, oppression and ever increasing assimilation of non-Persian peoples. To counter this disastrous situation, the struggle of non-Persian people continues to eliminate the occupation and reverse the assimilation, to achieve their natural national and human rights with lawful and democratic ways, both in the time of Pahlavi monarchy and so called Islamic republic time. To put an end to the Islamic republic of Iran, all nations of this geography have allied in a concurring front. Therefore, with respect with the Article 1, the ongoing uprising and the fight to overthrow the Islamic republic can not be led by any one group, party or a specific nation. It requires the cooperation of all nations.
- To fight back against Iranian regime, different peoples under Iranian-Persian occupation have come together in a joint front. Taking what is written in the first section, the current uprising against Iranian regime is not a task that can be carried by one person or one group either political or ethnic. This difficult and important task can only be accomplished by cooperation of all peoples who are suffering under Iranian regime.
- This congress shall elect a rotary council to conduct its undertakings.
The council’s composition shall portray the symbolic representation of the following nations of Baluch, Turks, Arabs, Persians, Kurds, Turkmens…
3.1- The leadership council has the authority to select the speaker for the Front, and to determine the responsibilities and the tasks.
3.2- The representatives of the Nations for the Congress shall be elected by the political parties and organizations, from their ranks.
4- The leadership council will determine a flag for the liberation movement against the Islamic republic. Other flags representing the oppressed member nations shall be hoisted along it.
5- All the decisions of the leadership council are reached by consensus. No decision by the leadership council shall be in contravention of the Rights of Self-Determination and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
6- The leadership council shall form a transitional government which is decentralised, democratic and able to conduct a free, fair and democratic election with the supervision of the international observers in accordance with the international standards and the universal declaration of human rights. The Interim government shall conduct the election within a year.
7- In accordance to the principle of the equality of women and men, the leadership council of the interim government together with the national governments of the freed-nations shall provide special privileges to women in order to compensate for the past century’s dual-oppressions in the male-dominated and religious societies, and to elevate their status as in the modern and democratic societies.
8- The leadership council of the interim government which is comprised of nations’ representatives has the responsibility to create a suitable environment and provide for all the requirements to conduct the referendums for self determination of nations in Iran. In the referendums for the right to self-determination every nation has the rights to choose their own destiny among the Independence, Confederal (Federal. . .) options.
Processes of the Referendums:
- In the initial referendums, people of each nation will be asked whether they want to be independent: Yes, or NO?
Those nation where the majority of their people vote for Independence, they will be recognised as sovereign and independent states.
- In those regions where the majority of the people opt for “No to independence”, a second referendum will be held. In this referendum, the people will choose their political system of governance either as a federal system or a confederal system.
9- The referendum for the self-determination will be conducted based on “nation-territory” criteria under the supervision of international observers. The results of the referendums shall be binding and implanted unconditionally without any delays. Should the Fars people put obstacles in the conduct of democratically sought referendums, the non-Persian nations reserve the rights to declare independence unilaterally from Iran.
10- During this transition period, the interim government which is comprised of the nation’s representatives shall be the only source of decision making and authority, and shall remain in power till the elected government’s take-over.
11- For the purpose of providing peace and security, the political parties and organizations of the nations in concurrence with the leadership council shall form their respective interim governments, and form their police forces and build their national armies/guards for maintaining security and to prevent chaos and lawlessness in their respective jurisdictions in collaboration with other nations.
12- The national government of each territory/ geographical area is responsible for the security, freedom and basic needs of life.
13- The interim national government of the freed-nation has the responsibility to create a suitable environment to conduct the election within 9 to 12 months. For the formation of the national assembly, it shall conduct the election democratically with the presence of international observers. Upon the formation of the elected government, the interim government shall transfer power to the elected government.
14- The interim national government will be in coordination with the leadership council in managing its internal affairs through its representative.
15- In the last one hundred years, the occupying regimes of Iran, in order to impose its oppressive rule on non-Persian nations, changed the demography of some territories by forcible settlement of people from different regions. This has caused many troublesome issues for the ethnic structures of some territories. Therefore, the regional governments are responsible to deal with the issues in the most peaceful ways by referring to the scientific and historical facts, and without resorting to any violence. In case, if in a given time, the mediation commission was unable to resolve the issues in hand, the parties are to sign a memorandum of non-aggression among themselves. Then, the control of affairs of the concerned regions will be assigned to non-aligned organizations. These non-aligned organizations will return the control of the affairs of the region to the rightful government /governments, based on the rulings of international courts and tribunals upon their conflict resolutions.
16- A commission of mediation shall be created by the Council and the interim government to resolve the boundary contra-claims between geographical regions based on international laws.
17- Initially, the national governments shall be formed within the existing recognised demarcations.
A power-sharing mechanism comprising the representatives of all concerned sides shall be introduced to govern the disputed territories until a final settlement reached.
18- All national states are responsible to protect the rights of all settled or forcibly settled minorities regardless of their ethnicity or national belongings in all territories under their jurisdiction, in accordance with the universal declaration of human rights.
19- In the interim period and thereafter, all the undertaken international agreements which are in accordance with the international rules and regulations, will be implemented; and the state/ states are required to implement them.
20- A number of representatives from the interim governments will be assigned to the neighbouring countries to avert tension and create a normalized neighbouring relation with them.
21- All the assets and reserves of the previous government shall be shared among the regional states. Such share from the assets and reserves will make the foundations for their budgets.
For example, if the government’s total treasure is 100 billion dollars, then for the population of 100 million people, every person’s share would be 1000 dollars. If there is a population of 10 million, the share of that government’s budget will be 10 billion dollars from the central treasury. The calculation of the budgets will be based on its volume and the size of populations.
22- The official language of the respective states will be the language of that nation. And all communications, radio, TV, media, press, and education will be in the mother tongue of that nation.
23- The communication language between the members of the leadership council of the interim government, and for the communication and ccoordination with the non-Persian national states shall be the Persian language for the interim period. If a federal or confederal system is voted for in a free and fair referendum, then the official communication language or languages between nations which founded the newly decentralised state, will be chosen by the representatives of the nation through consensus.
24- In case, if the result of the referendum for the system of governance is federal or confederal, or in case of any other power sharing system of governance for a united state, then the powers of the state shall be in the spheres of defence, finance and foreign affairs with the explicit consent of the regional states.
25- Proliferation of nuclear weapons will be stopped immediately without any preconditions.
26- The Sepah, the Army and the Intelligence Service will be dismantled.
27- There will be efforts to meet the world’s energy demand.
28- All interferences in the affairs of the neighbouring countries will be stopped.
29- All legal and official venues for conduct of national and international commerce will be re- established.
30- A legal body or appropriate courts with international supervision will be created to prosecute the ones responsible for violation of human rights and war crimes both in the Pahlavi era and the Islamic Republic era.
31- Groups of people who were settled for the purpose of demographic change by the past and present Iranian regimes, will not have the right to vote in the referendums for independence in the newly formed states.
32- The council and the interim government will recognize all basic human rights such as freedom of opinion and expression, freedom of the press, freedom of gatherings and association.
33- The council and the interim government will allow national and international media, national, international relief agencies and human right organizations to operate without any restriction.
Parties and organizations signatory to the Platform:
1- Ahwazi Democrat Front
2. Ahwazi Democratic Popular Front (ADPF)
- Ahwazi Front Fir Liberation of Al- Ahwaz(AFLA)
- Baluchistan National Movement
- Free Baluchistan Movement “not agreed with #17”
- Kurdistan Freedom Party
- South Azerbaijani Democratic Turkic Unity
- South Azerbaijani Independence Party (SAİP/GAİP)
- South Azerbaijani Liberal Democrat Party
- South Turkmenistan National, Democratic Front (STNDF)
- 15 Niesan Movement for the Liberation Of Al-Ahwaz